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FAKE ... FAKE .. FAKE ...

We try to list here the phonecards who are undoubtably false or fake.
FAKE means : made especially to get money out of your pockets. The card 
has misleading information or unreal pictures or the technology is not correct
or intentionally made to / or for the collector market. 
AFGHANISTAN :  Is it real or is it fake !!! 
See MALAWI : MALAWI telekom magnetic with different themes are fake.
		they are very similar to ZAMBIA telekom cards
See ZAMBIA : ZAMBIA telekom magnetic with different themes are fake,
 		they are very similar to MALAWI telekom cards
We want to inform that a lot of LIBERIA cards (remote) have been issued with different 
topics they are very similar to the PANAMA cards. Only Urmet cards have been regularly issued.
We want to inform that a lot of PANAMA cards (remote) have been issued with different 
topics. To nice to be real... See my site for the real PANAMA cards.
Some fakes 's from PANAMA : 
PAKISTAN : We want to inform that standard 'World Map' cards have been printed with COCA-COLA 
publicity on the BACK side. It is mostly 30 unit cards that have been used therefore. These 
are forgeries. In the gebinning of PAKISTAN these WORLD MAP cards ware overprinted regularly 
with red and green publicity (also horoscopes) . They moslly have the the logo of the bank on
the front.
These newer cards do not have that bank-logo on the front.
Also bad prints with 'Jurassic Park' text and a very bad small dinausaurus have been seen.
About D.D.R.Stasi card :
About SPAIN COBI card :
About PARAGUAY : : This card was ordered by ALCATEL Belgium to LANDIS&GYR Switserland. the 
cards have been ordered in 1989, made in January 1990, and delivered to ALCATEL. Alcatel had
a contract with ANTELCO (Administraçion Nacional de telecommunicaciones) for 60 Phones
and 100.000 cards. Because Antelco did not paid the bill, the contract was never exported.
I have personnally sought for these cards in 1995 and I have written an article in ITC MAgazine
about this Subject long ago. So These cards are REAL, not made for collectors, but they have 
never been used in PARAGUAY. I hope this small piece of History will change your mind.
I do not have to tell you, but MANY remote cards are being printed with expiration dates
alredy expired when they are printed. Many of these cards are printed for the use of 
the thematic collector. It's not always easy to make the difference, but some knowledge is 
necessary. Everybody can print cards with nice pictures, and on the backside some information
how to dial a number. If you are thematic collector, then collect only the real cards ... if 
you collect only the CHIP,MAGNETIC and Landis-cards. You will have a more valuable collection
than 100 remote cards without any background.

The following cards are very similar to each other , came to light all about the same time, also the tematics on these cards are too 'pure' to be real. They all bear the text 'Inaugural issue' 2000 issued. They are of the magnetic type. But this type of card has never been used. It seems these cards are printed on plastic cards used for badges. They all have the text PACIFIC Phone Card.

PAGAN : See here for some information. Only 2 valcanoes , Inhabited
It seems not very crowded here !!! Thats all I found !!

GUAM : this is a normal island, but other cards have been issued
thse below are fakes.

JARVIS : See here for the total population of this island.  Inhabited !
There is even no place for a telephone cabin !

JOHNSTON Atoll : See here for the total population of this island.

RALIK Island : See here for the total population of this island. (there are more phonecards than people !!)

RATAK Island : See here for the total population of this island. (there are more phonecards than people !!)

WAKE ISLAND : See here for the total population of this island.

SAIPAN : Similar cards as above, but SAIPAN is MICRONESIA (regular cards have been issued by MTC)


Copyright © 2008 JanVanRossum
This Page was last revised on 01/09/08